Friday, August 7, 2009

Internship for Medical Graduates

Pursuant to the Medical Act 1971, ‘internship’ is a period of structured supervised practical training AFTER graduation.

Section 13(2) of the Medical Act 1971 dictates that fresh medical graduates shall undergo further training for the purpose of obtaining experience as a house officer which includes four months posting in Surgery, orthopaedics, medicine, paediatrics, obstetrics & gynaecology and A&E.

The noble aim of internship training is to provide fresh graduates with an educationally sound experience that professionalizes new medical graduates not only with appropriate knowledge, skills and experience but above all attitudes.

Currently, there are 38 hospitals (click here for the list)approved by the Board for the purpose of houseman training.

Pursuant to the Medical Act 1971 , the Medical Qualifying Board , has determined that:

a. The Committee for the Houseman Training has the right to determine your discipline placement;

b. You will be allowed to proceed to the next discipline if your supervisor is satisfied with your knowledge, skills, competency and attitude in that particular discipline;

c. The Committee has the right to determine the duration of your extension period;

d. If you do not satisfactorily complete any or all of the internship training requirements, you will not be eligible for full registration;

e. The total duration of your internship training should not exceed SIX years. If you are unable to complete within the said period, you will not be eligible for full registration. For that matter, you need to appeal to the Board through the Committee.


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