Saturday, June 19, 2010

International, please?

Alhamdulillah, I already passed my medicine exam today and I feel so 'free' to study for my next postings exam in Neurology and O&G. Today's morning as usual with exam syndrome - NV!

I can't hold nausea & vomiting till they come to their optimum attack of severe tremor and only after that with post-exam syndrome - Sleeping headache. Huhu~

Today, I learnt something new in medicine - its exam was just like clerking a patient! It was too horrible indeed to have face-to-face conversation with Dr.Shumina (not very sure her name), and she is well-known Hepatologist.

Every questions that stated on my exam ticket, never miss to be followed by her questions : 'What is international standard? What is international classification? Dan paling tak tahan: Do you know, in Malaysia they usually use....."

Yes, this is what I know about medicine. Improvement makes better to gain better knowledges. Not just to sit in the class, borrow friend's notes, then answers, and that's all.

p/s : Almost complete to download all CPGs! Thanks to MOH =)


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